The mandatory training takes approximately 90 minutes.
Once you have completed your training we provide you with everything you need to launch your own travel business, from training to booking tools, so you can start planning your holidays and earning right away.
Your also have support from your mentor and the wider team who will be happy to help you with any questions or guidance you need.
After completing your mandatory training there is lots of optional training available to you.
Weekly destination training, drop in sessions, lunch & learns, social media, mindset, growing your business, quotes, the list goes on.
Our suppliers also hold regular training sessions for us.
There is a mixture of online and in-person training.
The marketing business, this is where you recommend the travel opportunity to your friends, family and anyone else you think may benefit from having their own system or looking to earn an additional income.
The marketing business has up to 8 pay days a month available.
There is regular team training available to get your business set up and running.
Our partners provide us with opportunities to learn and grow through hands-on experiences. These include visits to cruise ships, where we can see and experience what they offer, as well as familiarisation trips to key destinations.
These experiences help us gain a better understanding of the products and services available, so we can confidently recommend the best options and deliver outstanding service to our clients.
As a team, we have visited several cruise ships for the day, experienced week-long cruise famailiarisation trips and been to Lapland for the day.
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